Tuesday 7 July 2020

The Birds and the Bees - no Coconut Trees

I've been trying to photograph insects in my garden, and elsewhere when I see them, the recent wind hasn't helped. These are a few hopefully identified correctly and taken with different cameras or lenses to see what works best. What have I learned, wait till the wind stops and all cameras work, windy and mobile insects the DSLR and fast lens is best, almost inert bees at nest box even a mobile would do well.

Once this is posted I'll use Google Lens on my phone to check the ID's, it gets most correct, most of the time, but it's a bit like Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff some of the time, and I'm not checking Bumblebee gonads to confirm an ID!

Marmalade Hoverfly

Banded Snail (I think) rare in my garden

Buff-tailed Bumblebee

Common Carder Bumblebee

Garden Bumblebee

Tree Bumblebee, I think this is one of the new Queens but conversely its left wing appears worn. Maybe this isn't the Queen I photographed, it's confusing when so many photos are taken in a short period

Tree Bumblebee warming up on the edge of the nest box

Wasp in the giant Cotoneaster along with very many others, early autumn will be fun if we get the weather to sit in the garden

If I sit quietly on the back step the birds don't like it and won't come in, yet if I stand much nearer to photograph insects they'll land. Do they know I have the wrong camera at that time?

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