Monday 28 June 2021

Corn Buntings in the Mist

It's a strange post this one, I went out at 6.30am to do a Corn Bunting survey thinking I'd take a few photos for here. Alas I had to cut it short, "with mist rolling in from the sea". All of the birds stopped singing and disappeared so I'll have to do the remainder later.

So one bird photo below, and some unexpected  finds in my garden pond. At a loose end on Sunday I decided to get rid of the duck weed in my pond, and immediately found small frogs. I had assumed that days of frost and ice cover had killed all of the spawn in early Spring, and I hadn't seen any live tadpoles since. It looks to me as if later attempts were made or development was stalled, and I now have a mix of 35mm frogs, 12mm frogs and even 2 adults. Tadpoles range from a few with no legs to others just about losing their tails.

"mist rolling on from the sea", click here the first few lines are the relevant ones

Corn Bunting male in the haar, but it stopped singing. It's on the same territory as last year, or maybe a new bird?

Common Carder Bee in the garden, not convinced that the P1000 makes a good job, next time I'll use the "bird" setting, or macro with a point focus

Not sure what this is, I'll post it and try Google Lens on my phone. It has a very round abdomen, like I would know!

Tadpole which appears to only have its back legs

Tadpole with full tail, well formed back legs and front legs


  1. your mist rolling in from the sea vid leads a paul mcartney vid

    1. Aye Charlie, it's my sense of cryptic humour. Mull of Kintyre....the mist rolling in from the sea


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