Wednesday 25 August 2021

Roseate Tern juvenile - East Haven

A real mix of just about everything here, from a Roseate Tern, Mediterranean Gulls, Little Gulls, a hoodie looking Crow, lot's of insects like Tree Bumblebee, Wasps and Hoverflies, through to Butterflies. 
Also someone who thought it was Ok to watch his kids in the sea at low tide from 110 metres away using a drone, worse though it was being flown over people, even at head height, all illegal!

Mediterranean Gull adult, click here       Juvenile Mediterranean Gull, click here   

Roseate Tern juvenile at East Haven. a pity I only had the P1000 with me, it was close enough for some good images with my DSLR

Mediterranean Gull adult and juvenile. Many of these photos were taken into the sun for identification and reading rings

Mediterranean Gull green ring ASHA. Ringed as a Pullus: nestling or chick, unable to fly, 26.06.2015, Baltrum-Ostdorf, Niedersachsen, Germany. Seen in Arbroath previously in 2019

Little Gull, East Haven

Kittiwake also East Haven 

Grey Heron with a Rockling

Looks like a Carrion Crow/Hooded Crow hybrid, although young crows often have odd plumage

What the ****?! Flying at around head height on the beach at Lunan Bay, more below

This guy was using the drone to supervise/film his two young kids who were around 110 metres away from him and in the sea!

Dusk at West Links, Arbroath

Unknown moth, maybe a Mother of Pearl, (poor photo near dark)

Willow Warbler, very rare in my garden and probably I wouldn't have seen it in the cotoneaster if the chainsaw hadn't been used on it

Large White Butterfly showing the large spots and extended black area around the wing tips, a new looking one

A bachled one

The more dainty Small Whites in courtship

Large White, we were overrun with them today

Small Tortoiseshell, some days there have been many other days none at all

Small Tortoiseshell underwing 

Buff-tailed Bumblebee, probably one from the nest at Olive's front door, unless the nest at my door survived the weather and I just haven't been there when they were flying

Tree Bumblebee Queen, its been hanging around the buddleia for a few days and seems lethargic, mind you a few other very large bees have been doing the same. More of this bee below

One of the newer looking Common Carders

Honey Bee in very bright sunlight

Common Wasp, Vespula vulgaris (worker)

Common Wasp, Vespula vulgaris (worker)

Platycheirus scambus

Platycheirus scambus

Pied Hoverflies

Pied Hoverfly close up

I think I've seen an adult of one of these before, it's a tiny bug about 2-3mm long. Best ID so far is a Common Green Capsid, Lygocoris pabulinus  

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