Thursday 7 October 2021

Angle Shades Moth and a hint to Santa

Just some photos of moths that had been drawn in overnight to a light, unfortunately some were photographed in the gloom with my phone . A bit more concerning were the wasps tumbling out of a nest in my dormer right over the back door, and the dozen or more that have found their way into a bedroom!
I might ask for a moth trap for my Xmas, or will I just stick with the original plan and ask for beer! Low or no alcohol - no delirium, no offending people, no headaches and I can still drive, anytime.

An Angle Shades Moth, I'd left the external light on overnight and this and the other species below had settled on the white door

Common Marbled Carpet Moth, later found drowned in my breakfast washing up!

Best attempt at ID so far is a Common Wainscot Moth

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