Saturday 9 October 2021

Video killed the radio star - or not

A couple of photos of a previously posted moth, thought to be a Common Wainscot, yet to be confirmed. Also a new but smaller moth which I currently don't know the species, there's far too many moth species and not enough time! (or the will to do it)

The videos below were taken on a warm but very gloomy day, often in drizzle and sometimes rain. Most look dark, but that reflects the conditions, I did have some filmed using some over-exposure but they gave a false perception of what I was seeing.

Video killed the radio star - Buggles  strangely and despite the technology most birders still prefer photos, and I've no idea why. I can still get a reasonable and moving image of wildlife in just about any conditions and at distances DSLR's only dream of. It's similar to the  phone in all our pockets where we can speak directly to people and yet most use text messaging. Maybe we'll revert back to telegrams, or postcards!

Pink-footed Geese swimming, click here for video      Little Grebe      Great Crested Grebe (distant)      Brent Goose

Black-tailed Godwit feeding      Golden Plover resting

Large Wainscot Moth, yet to be confirmed by an expert!

Same moth

A much smaller moth than the one above, being investigated and I've asked for help. So far this has beat the best, if anyone wants to hazard an Id feel free to comment

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