Friday 4 February 2022

Hawfinch - all alone at Scone

Scone Palace gardens opened today for a Snowdrop event and the gardens will remain open and free of charge until March 11th. Note that the hours are 10am to 4pm and only Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We booked free tickets on the website but it looked like this wasn't being enforced on the day. Best check their website as it confused me.
It took a long time to find just one Hawfinch and some of the garden volunteers said they were seen more in the afternoon, perhaps having fed elsewhere in the area.
Just before leaving we walked past the Chapel and found a Nuthatch calling, a very nice bonus.

Not at Scone - seven Yellowhammers in my garden, eight today, click here for video  

A Hawfinch at the top of one of the large trees just off the avenue at Scone Palace, this on the first day the grounds were open. I had enough time for one long press of the shutter before it flew on, the area was busy with walkers and tree clearing

This is an uncropped but shrunk original, I hope it conveys how high the tree was using a 420mm lens

I heard this Nuthatch in a tree between the Chapel and the Palace but just couldn't pin it down until it flew towards the Chapel. This photo was taken as I sat on the replica Stone of Scone, feeling rather regal at the time!

The original of the one above

If you visit Scone you'll recognise this as one of two lightning spikes on the roof of the Chapel

It's more obvious when seen in this original

Honestly, if you want photos of the Peacocks and Hens, just use your phone, they'll follow you about! I couldn't stand far enough away to get a whole bird in the frame

I think there are three white Peacocks now, some of the birds were in a pen while others wandered freely. We thought they might all be locked up in case of Avian Flu

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