Tuesday 8 February 2022

Schrodinger's Pheasant

More on humankind's terrible treatment of nature where vast numbers, perhaps 60 million game birds are released into the wild to be shot. While these birds are "in the wild" they have a big effect on our countryside and eat many resources our native birds rely on.

Teal pair in good light      Pink-footed Goose      Eider courtship      Mallard does lap of honour!  

Comedy sketch on new rules from DEFRA, it's not funny though. They want full protection at all times except for when they blast the birds out of the air. No surprise that some of those who made the new rule which would allow the use of a General Licence to "control" corvids, (read that as kill) have shooting interests and even estates. The graphic above is from Raptor Persecution, search that for more info

This is what happens to some of the game birds that are shot, these were dumped at the side of the A94 in a layby just south of Douglastown, Forfar. There have been many dumps like this reported over the last few years, it seems nobody wants to eat birds that have been shot with lead, would you it's toxic. In this photo are Woodcock, Red-legged Partridge, Pheasant, Feral Pigeon and Mallard

A concerned person visited the dump site the day after these were reported and confirmed that there were 5 red-listed Woodcock in the slowly rotting pile of corpses

Meanwhile on Monday I had a visit to Montrose Basin where I found mostly everything hiding from the wind, this Teal was at Maryton Ditch

Mrs Teal

The Pink-footed Goose at Victoria park in Arbroath appears to be a survivor, if it avoids being killed by free-running dogs. It's still inactive but does look to be feeding on the grass

I resorted to scenery and extreme zoom photos once the tide was in at the Basin

Some sleety snow or rain coming in from the west on a strong wind

The view from Maryton looking towards the town with the steeple near centre

The wind farm near the Garvock which is 13km to the north

The old Sunnyside Hospital in the sun, it's undergoing a conversion to housing, it looks like new build is the first step

Layers in the mud at Montrose Basin, I don't think this shows the layer the tsunami created

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