Thursday 21 April 2022

Foxes, Birds and Insects

A collection from the last few days when I didn't venture far or often. I'm trying to record all of the insects in my garden this year and currently enjoy finding and photographing them. Identifying them is often frustrating, and I lack the knowledge and enthusiasm and end up coming back to correct ID's!

Goldfinch video      Tree Sparrow video      Yellowhammer video 

Dog Fox in my garden      Vixen in my garden   (seldom seen together)

Honey Bee methinks

Male Blackbird whose nest is in my garden

Dunnock, in the shade as always

Olive's latest new planting

Gooden's Nomad Bee, a parasite of Chocolate Mining Bees, Andrena scotica which nest in Olive's garden

A Small tortoiseshell Butterfly, and it was small for this species

The same, or maybe another Tree Bumblebee Queen from the one I saw earlier

Common Carder Bee, which wouldn't land or fly in the light

It was easier to catch the white Feral Pigeon in flight than the grey ones

This Kittiwake at Hatton had an injured wing and although this large dog approached, it didn't threaten the Kittiwake and returned to it's owner when called. That's rare!

Female Teal at Hatton

When I moved my feeders I thought these Tree Sparrows would disappear, they didn't

Yellowhammer guarding a nest near Hatton, it won't get peace on the busy track on one side and trains on the other

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