Tuesday 26 April 2022

Loch Laggan Golden Eagles, Insh Black Redstart

A short break in Kingussie over the weekend produced Golden Eagles, a Black Redstart, my first Canada Geese of the year, some surprise inland Ringed Plover at Loch Laggan and Insh Marshes, and a late pair of Whooper Swans.

Most of the photos below are screen grabs or very distant in poor light, but they tell the story.....
Click the links below for video.

Golden Eagle, I think in it's second year, given the amount of white in the underwing. Filmed from the east end of Loch Laggan when it and another immature Golden Eagle where each being harassed by separate Ravens

Both Golden Eagles gained height on a thermal and drifted high and north out of view. These photos are screen grabs from video taken at a zoom of 3000mm/125 times

There were 3 Ringed Plover on the exposed sand at the east end of Loch Laggan. If they decide to nest there's a risk that the nest/s will be flooded when the hydro increase storage and water levels, hoping the price will be higher (according to my source)

I wasn't going to go to Insh, near Kingussie where I was staying, as this Black Redstart male was reported in a private garden, but I spoke to a couple at Insh Marshes who said it was feeding with Chaffinches in the middle of the main road through the village. On arrival I couldn't see it, but almost immediately it appeared with two Pied Wagtails. Photo again from a screen grab from a video, it was early on a cold dull morning, only 5 degrees and misty. The video above was deliberately over-exposed

Whooper Swans on Insh Marshes, I thought this might be late for them and my host for the weekend agreed

Canada Goose, the first one I've seen this year and far out on the marsh in early morning. A second bird some distance away looked to be sitting on a nest

The next blog post should have actual photos!

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