Monday 2 May 2022

A walk on the wet side

A walk from East Haven to Elliot and back, looking for Yellow Wagtails on a day when the cold, the breeze and the drizzle kept them away, barely an insect in sight to eat. They were probably finding flies in the sewage works!
I did find 34 species, my first ever Raven for East Haven, and 3 Whimbrel. I wonder if the number of dead rabbits are food for the corvids, or do they avoid them when they have Myxomatosis. 
I hoped for a Grasshopper Warbler but any were  probably kept quiet by the weather. 
Since the photos are poor, I've added in videos including a long one of Great black-backed Gull courtship, and a Whimbrel with a juvenile Curlew briefly as it chased away a second Whimbrel. A third flew in as my battery gave up and the rain started again.

Reed Bunting male zoom      Meadow Pipit      Skylark and caterpillar

Meadow Pipit

Reed Bunting male

Sedge Warbler


Stonechat male

Wheatear male

Great black-backed Gulls, the adults were displaying to each other, the youngster will soon be on its own

I like snails, I've yet to find a snail ID site

Roe buck, a rare sighting at Elliot Reedbeds

Very distant Whimbrel and an unsteady camera

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