Wednesday 4 May 2022

Little Terns, Montrose

A surprise find on the beach behind Glaxo in Montrose, 2 Little Terns which stayed long enough for at least one other birder to see them after getting my text.
The videos below were taken with a long zoom at Arbroath Cliffs between Whiting Ness and Auchmithie, most have had the volume reduced due to the noisy Kittiwakes!

Fulmars bonding      Guillemots      Razorbills      Kittiwakes      Shag bathing

Little Tern, flushed from the shingle by 2 dogs and flew to the waters edge at the mouth of the South Esk, followed by a second unseen bird

Little Tern near the centre of this 1430 pixel photo, shrunk down from 5568 pixels

Common Tern in the gloomy sky


Linnet male near the path at the rear of Glaxo

Shag, seen earlier in the day at Arbroath Cliffs where 8 were sitting on the rocks together (P1000)

Yellowhammer standing guard near it's nest, also at the cliffs (P1000)

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