Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Arbroath Birdlife, and all in the town boundary

All within the town boundary of Arbroath, in unfavourable weather, covering the harbour, the beach at Victoria Park, woodland and arable farmland at Hospitalfield, ending at Keptie Pond where I managed to get some shelter from the storms.

Long-tailed Ducks, a pair in Arbroath Harbour, click here for video

The last photo of the Long-tailed drake, unless I get a better one from lower to the water level

It wasn't easy to get a photo of both together

Redshanks hiding out of the strong winds

Now from Victoria Park where this Herring Gull was being hounded for food by its two 1st winter juveniles

Ringed Plover on a narrow strip of beach which wasn't being battered by the sea

Part of a flock of Linnets at Hospitalfield, Arbroath which were feeding in a field of winter bird crop, specially sown for the birds

And where there's small birds in abundance, there's a Sparrowhawk. This male shot across the top of the crop and surely didn't see the Linnets that must have been very close to its flightpath

Female Goosander at Keptie Pond, the first I've seen this year on the pond

Male Goosander when the sky above was showing some blue and reflecting on the water

This male is sitting on some thin, melting ice

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