Saturday 15 June 2024

Grey Wagtail, cloud and sky

Some photos taken in-between the showers, the cold and the wind, as forecast by scientists years ago - wetter unpredictable weather, more severe storms and warmer winters, and it's called global warming!

Grey Wagtail on the Brothock Burn near the marina. There's a lot more litter in the burn......

House Martin in the same place along with Swallows feeding low over the Brothock due to the light rain

Woodpigeon, nicely framed in my kitchen window in the background

Greenfinches are back on my feeders along with this years young, no photo yet due to rain, posties and dirty windows

The first froglet seen in my pond this year, now many are around the pond and garden

Common Carder Bee, a lonely one. I haven't been seeing many insects in this cold June

The number of Early Bumblebees is increasing now that the sun has appeared (Saturday)

This Honey Bee was sipping water from the pond by climbing down one of the two Mallard decoys that inhabit the pond, both found washed up on different beaches

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