Tuesday 6 August 2024

Swifts, Jonathon and Taylor

I still have Swifts around my house and garden, and occasionally they go back into the nest in my gable.

More Small, and Large White Butterflies are using the garden, and Hoverfly numbers have risen. (short lived it appears)

A young Swift taking a short rest, it's clamped into to a hole left after a new boiler was installed

It's not big enough to get in, but I found another larger gap in a neighbours roofline where they did go into. Looking good for next season, I may buy a nest box or two

Large White Butterfly, the black edge on the upper wing extends around the corner

Small White Butterfly

Common Carder Bee on one of eight sunflowers I have. I didn't expect many seeds would germinate, they did

There's a Harvestman in the centre of this photo, it's legs extend to the top and bottom edges of the photo

The juvenile Starlings have started moulting into their second plumage

Now a lot leaner than when they first arrived

One from my garden Blackbird nest, and the second brood that appears to have only one bird fledged from each. Cats and possibly a Fox are likely the reason, or maybe just the summer weather....

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