Wednesday 14 July 2021

Lunan Bay - Dune Insect Life

Lunan Bay at low tide is not a good time to look for sea ducks, divers, and as it's a bit early yet, terns. At least the sun was shining but there was just enough wind blowing to make insect photography (with a 300mm prime) difficult. I've tried to identify everything but it's not my field of knowledge, I still have to work out what is! Many id's were from a start using Google Lens.

A brief return to birds, Common Scoters flying around near low tide at Lunan Bay, but always out too far

The arty shot, two Oystercatchers sitting in the sun on the poly-tunnels at Lunan Bay

Roe Deer near Red Castle

Photo from near Red Castle

The viaduct at the north end of Lunan Bay

Six Spot Burnet Moth

Mating pair

Male Common Blue Butterfly

An unusual view of a Meadow Brown Butterfly where the upper-wing is hidden

This one showing the usual pose

A Yellow Shell Moth keeping out of the sun in the long grass

Cinnabar Moth caterpillars, a phone photo

Early Bumblebee on Scabious

Another one on Wild Yarrow

Garden Grass-veneer Moth, where else but in Olive's garden

A mating pair of what I think will be a parasitic fly species, or maybe wasps?

Red Soldier Beetle

Helophilus hybridus

Helophilus hybridus

A bald Garden Bumblebee with almost all of the hairs missing from its abdomen

Age, it happens to us all

One of the 150 Robber Fly species

Dune Brittlestem

Common Restharrow, ssp

Wild Yarrow

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