Tuesday 26 October 2021

Strange Times

Strange times indeed. We've still got a Mediterranean Gull around, I heard a Chiffchaff at the Lurgies yesterday, five Little Egrets and a Great Egret at Montrose Basin, Bar-tailed and Black-tailed Godwits still showing some breeding plumage, and a camera that can photograph a structure 11 miles away. (low sunlight is responsible for enriching colours).

Some of my recent videos below, with poor or average light recently and early morning birds, I've often left my DSLR at home. Why more videos aren't made of winter birds I don't know, after all we can see behaviour in a video that can't be seen in a still. Click on the links below for the videos.

Screen grab from a video at 3000mm, colour is saturated. Mediterranean Gull 1cy Hatton, this is the second young gull I've seen this year, the first was more advanced when I recorded it on my January Webs count at Craigmill

Little Egret from Montrose Basin, currnely there are five along with the Great Egret, rarely seen together

Territory squabble

Barnacle Geese at Mains of Usan, four of six and most likely six of the nine I counted at the Basin on Monday morning

Bellrock Lighthouse, the original frame shrunk to 1430 pixels, not bad for 11 miles, and a handheld photo

Deliberately rotated to read the yellow ring T:574. Described as ancient, ringed as an adult in Ben’s Montrose garden 12/6/12. Seen on the bend in the South Esk upstream of Maryton Ditch, two others with yellow rings present but I didn't get readable photos 

Some of the remaining Pink-footed Geese at Montrose Basin on Monday morning, there seemed to be a big movement of geese away, with numbers perhaps even halved. See SWT's media, I'm sure they'll have counted them

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