Friday 9 July 2021

Kittiwakes - breeding success

I've been checking gull sites around Arbroath for Little Gulls and Mediterranean Gulls, to no avail so far. These are some photos from Danger Point and a follow up walk along Arbroath Cliffs. Med Gulls were in Arbroath last year by this date, in fact on June 29th when a cracking adult with an injured leg was at West Links. Little Gulls have been reported in some numbers at Barry Buddon, my first local photo last year was on August 7th.

Each year when these Lesser Black-backed arrive back from the south of Spain, they are very wary of humans, the longer they are here though they get almost as cocky as the Herring Gulls. This one was quite happy with people looking over the wall at Danger Point

Drinking on the Brothock Burn spillway

At this point it started looking upward and when I looked to see what had taken its interest an Osprey was flying by, rare here in Arbroath

An adult Grey Wagtail was feeding a youngster on the Brothock just upstream from the sea, they were more wary than the gulls and flew off when disturbed by builders

This Rock Pipit at the cliffs was feeding young in a nest nearby. I had retreated when I heard its alarm calls and it continued happily, back and forth with food

This photo probably reflects the true colour of the bird more than the warm coloured one above taken in watery sunlight

Kittiwakes with chicks

Although the sun didn't break through, it was very humid and the Kittiwakes were trying to keep cool, panting with beaks open wide

You'd think it would land with its feet on the ledge and not a few inches short

A second year bird and a bit more developed than ones I saw on my last visit

Always calling, and every now and then they all join in

Another Kittiwake feeling the heat

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